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Women need to be followed up as those who have undergone treatment for abnormal cells are at 2-5 times increased risk of cervical cancer.

The first follow-up after cone biopsy in all age groups is after 6 months. Both cytology and HPV testing are performed.

Results and next steps

Radical cone biopsy:

  • If the pap smear is normal and hr-HPV is negative the woman will be subjected to regular screening.

Non-radical cone biopsy:

  • If the pap smear is normal and hr-HPV is negative, both pap smear and HPV testing are repeated after 6 months.

  1. If the pap smear is negative and hr-HPV is negative, the woman goes back to regular screening.

  2. If hr-HPV is positive but no abnormal cells, a new sample is taken after 12 months and then every 12 months until the hr-HPV sample is negative and the cells are normal.

  3. If hr-HPV is negative and ASCUS/LSIL, a new sample is taken after 12 months and then every 12 months until the sample is hr-HPV negative and cytology is normal.

  4. If hr-HPV is positive and abnormal cells, a colposcopy is recommended.

  5. If hr-HPV is negative and ASCH, HSIL, AGC, AIS, a colposcopy is recommended.

  • If the colposcopy in points 4 and 5 is normal, a follow-up sample every 6 months is recommended until the sample is hr-HPV negative and the cytology sample is normal.

  • If the colposcopy in points 4 and 5 is abnormal, a flow chart for colposcopy is indicated.

Regardless of surgical edges:

  • If the sample is positive for hr-HPV and abnormal cells or ASCH, HSIL, AGC, AIS, or cancer, 6 months after a cone biopsy, regardless of surgical edge a colposcopy is recommended.

  • If the colposcopy is normal a new sample after 6 months is recommended for both cytology and HPV testing if normal (see flow chart).

  • If the colposcopy is abnormal, see the colposcopy flow chart.